My proposal for the unit

It took some time to get to this final proposal. I think this happened for 2 reasons - One is that the idea which had been approved at the residential was actually more suited to the next unit so it was parked and I had to use plan B. I had a sort of plan B already worked out - or so I thought. I stepped into the murky waters of feminist theory without realising what I was getting myself into. Such a complicated minefield. My first idea was about representations of young females and the opinion of a generation who seem to think feminism is a dirty word, certainly not to be associated with them. It seems like a straightforward idea but when theory gets involved, it's anything but. I was uncovering quite a lot of interesting information about the gender gap in the film industry when researching so after checking with Richard, I decided to take that route. I wanted to explore why directing is perceived as a male pursuit and why the gap is so wide when it comes to male and female Hollywood directors.

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