Appendix for Grading Criterion 4 (Female Feedback)

I decided to question the students to gauge their knowledge and understanding before and after watching my film. All the females from my A2 Media classes were interviewed. I've edited the before and after below.

MIND THE GAP: Why is directing perceived as a male pursuit?


The film below is to be used as a teaching tool for sixth form girls who are studying media and film. The film will highlight the gender gap issue and give it an academic grounding by proposing that the lack of female directors is linked to the development of film theory, where women were either sidelined or excluded in the articles and directories of film critics.

Auteur theory requires more attention and exploration than can and should be given in a film like this because this film only seeks to engage students in the issue. It cannot explain the theory in full. What the film sets out to do is outline the main facts about how the theory developed, and how in that development, women were excluded.

The next step from this film, would be to look at auteur theory in more detail. It's widely accepted that the theory is vague which is why there is still so much controversy about it today. To fully understand the criteria proposed by Andrew Sarris and the ways in which women are excluded, we would need to spend time working through his article 'Notes on Auteur Theory' and consider the ways in which female film makers were sidelined.

What I am not dismissing, even though it is not raised in this film, is the obvious link between childcare and women in their 30s dropping out of the race. That was one reason given by everyone I spoke to but importantly, it was not the only reason. They recognised that people are very quick to file the problem under 'motherhood' but not every woman is a mother or wants to be a mother. There are many women in the industry who have chosen not to have children because they want to concentrate on making films. As one of the film makers I interviewed said, when you're working on a film, it is your baby. You don't have time for anything else.

I wanted my artefact to stay away from the obvious, trying to explain away the problem by blaming it on a woman's 'decision' to have children. In looking at the historical and demonstrating that women played an important part in the development of film making, I hope to give the debate an academic focus. I hope my students will find the film relevant to them and in this way I hope to engage them in an exploration of the theory.

2 days to go....

I feel like I'm making real progress now - even though I'm not happy with what the end product is starting to look like. I hope I feel better about it when it's done. Having Wednesday as the deadline for the draft is much more comforting than if it was the final piece that had to be posted. I suppose it's better to have doubts and be in the process of seeking feedback than feel you've done a great job then have it ripped it pieces. I'm also feeling quite smug that I'm getting this blog in order while waiting for things to render.....

I'm going to try a low quality export later to see if there are any issues. Will post when done.

3 days to go....

It's now 3 days before I need to start uploading my artefact to the blog. I'm not really any further ahead than I was last weekend in terms of editing - well at least that's what it looks like. I've actually been trying to grab 30 minutes here and there to teach myself how to use LiveType and get the text to scroll. I've finally mastered it this afternoon - but then realised the FCE scrolling text looks better anyway. I've also worked out how to get images to move how I want them to in FCE - that's addictive so I almost wish I hadn't figured that one out. I also persuaded 4 of my A2 students to be in a little sequence for me and they did a great job. Can't say as much for my camera skills - I never did go for the camera work. Also interviewed my old film lecturer, the lovely Mairead last night. So it's now Saturday evening. The kids are making a racket downstairs but sounds like Dave's taking them out. I'm in the attic with the ladder pulled up. I'm hoping to finalise the script and get that recorded again tonight when it's quiet. Maybe I'll get this thing finished tomorrow????

Final Script

It's getting closer to the deadline so I feel under pressure now to finalise and record the script. Once this is in place I can start building the visuals. The visuals are very much just ideas at the minute so that may develop as I start to edit.

Women in Film and Television

Kate at WFTV very kindly responded to my email and thankfully she agreed to see me this week as I'm on half term from school. It was great to be out interviewing again - I really do miss it. Kate let me interview everyone in the office and i'm glad she did because I messed up with the sound on her interview. Kate speaks so softly and there was so much going on in the background. I really wish I'd thought to bring the external mic. Thankfully Rebecca's interview turned out quite well in terms of lighting and sound so I think I'll use her only. It's a shame because Kate made some excellent points.

Script (First Draft)

I knew it was going to be difficult to link the gender gap and auteur theory but I think it's a link worth making. The problem is keeping it at a level which will still engage the students. I can see already that this is too long-winded in parts so I'll have to cut. Can I cut and still make sense? At least I realise the limitations of the piece before I start. I only want it to engage and mobilise, not explain the theory to death. We can work on that later..... ha!

Unit 2: Practice

The theoretical concept I will explore is authorship and female identity. My chosen area of contemporary media practice is the gender gap in the film industry at the level of film directors and why this gap isn’t closing. I will look at the gender gap as an issue arising from the construction of the ‘author’ as male.

My proposal for the unit

It took some time to get to this final proposal. I think this happened for 2 reasons - One is that the idea which had been approved at the residential was actually more suited to the next unit so it was parked and I had to use plan B. I had a sort of plan B already worked out - or so I thought. I stepped into the murky waters of feminist theory without realising what I was getting myself into. Such a complicated minefield. My first idea was about representations of young females and the opinion of a generation who seem to think feminism is a dirty word, certainly not to be associated with them. It seems like a straightforward idea but when theory gets involved, it's anything but. I was uncovering quite a lot of interesting information about the gender gap in the film industry when researching so after checking with Richard, I decided to take that route. I wanted to explore why directing is perceived as a male pursuit and why the gap is so wide when it comes to male and female Hollywood directors.